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July 2, 2022 (updated)

What’s right and what is wrong? Who do we follow? The Supreme Court or The Supreme Being?...and Who defines LIFE?

SCOTUS had no authority as arbitrator of right and wrong. Only to interpret the constitution. The framers of the “right to LIFE” clause assumed the interpreters would know what that meant without interpretation, and assumed any intelligent justice or Supreme Court would never attempt to reorder what’s life and what’s not life… to have the hubris to re-define what life is…

Now we find ourselves at the very foundation and the precipice of both our justice and our humanity. What does anyone think the framers meant by the word “LIFE” ? Literally.

Did the Roe justices assume it meant the right to live it like they want? No, they cover that in the phrase the "right to pursue happiness" albeit in the Declaration of Independence, yet a crucial part of our founding documents.

The right to life clearly means the right to live, the right to not be unjustly killed. Because of this aberrant course that was so obtusely taken in 1973, and now presently having abdicated their responsibility to the states, to promote the general welfare and provide a common defense for all Americans, including its youngest preborn citizens, we now actually find ourselves at a place where a definition of life, a definition of a constitutional human being, has to be spelled out and framed with unquestionable clarity.

This is why we need to pass THE DEFINITION OF LIFE BILL. We the People, and at its heart, WE the Christian People, must sadly but gladly EDUCATE this Court and now assist the states to correct this aberrant decision, with a granular definition of life, as it means in the “right to life” clause of the 14th Amendment, the unalienable right given and ordained by our Creator, not by The Supreme Court or any other governing authority.

He defines and ordains it and He does so at CREATION. Then He said in the REAL SUPREME COURT… “Thou shall NOT COMMIT MURDER.”

As Americans, as Christians, and as a civilized society....We must STAND TALL FOR LIFE.

Please help us to STOP THIS by advancing, supporting, and passing The Definition of Life Bill.


Proverbs 31:8

"Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die."

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