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What is Real Systemic Racism?

Writer: Mark D. CampoMark D. Campo

Updated: May 20, 2023

We hear so much by Democrats about systemic racism in America, which when viewed from the lens of all of the evidences so prolific in the successes of peoples of all colors and nationalities in our great nation, from the arts, sports, heads of companies, heads of state, local, and national offices, the lists go on and on that have and continue to demonstrate to the world that the claim of systemic racism is a shameless political construct that one party in America has devised to divide our nation, to marginalize our common interests, and to pit certain groups or classes of people against other groups or political classes of people against each other in simply a pure lust for raw political power.

They can't win on the real issues so that when they are confronted with their failure to truly lead, they label the real solutions, whether social, economic, cultural, or otherwise, as racist positions held by racists...that 80 million people who did not vote Democrat are all RACISTS.

I hope there are those who voted Democrat in the last election who can see through this quintessential lie, and recognize that the true racists are those who are content with continuing to insult their intelligence with these incessant mantras and racist rants.

But in addition to the Democrats' own home-grown purveyance of systemic racism within their own Democrat Party Platform, there is one particular area that involves REAL SYSTEMIC RACISM that no one in America can escape from any party as long as it stands...

And that was Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that declared that it is OK and now legal for a pregnant woman of any race to selectively kill her unborn child at her discretion... and it was all- inclusive for ALL RACES.

That, my friends, is real SYSTEMIC RACISM. Abortion is the systemic killing of children of all races at the complete discretion of the caretaker of the unborn child.

A society that permits the selective killing of its own children cannot call itself civilized.

THIS IS TRUE SYSTEMIC RACISM....THE INFANTICIDE OF ALL RACES....AND BY AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL RULING that allows a person of a certain discriminating gender to kill another human being at her sole discretion.

America needs to pass a bill that codifies into law the genesis of human life and one that constitutionally defines the term life in the "right to life" clause of the 14th amendment.... to pass The Definition of Life Bill by supporting The Definition of Life Bill Legislative Initiative.

Your donations are desperately needed for this cause. Please go to and give your best, most generous donation to help us pass this bill. Let YOUR VOICE BE HEARD.


PLEASE PRAY AND DONATE....Right now, each donation will be matched up to $500.

God is going to hold America accountable for what it did and did not do to stop this barbaric practice of "legally" killing His children.

Please give to stop this now. You can also click the "Read More" button to view an extended excerpt of the bill.

Thank you for your generous support.


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Proverbs 31:8

"Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die."

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