Defining and Codifying the Genesis of Human Life to Save and Protect Our Humanity
Our Leaders Begin With Family
Coming together to defend life begins with family. Missing from this picture below is my precious late daughter, Allison, who was a strong pro-life advocate and who passed away from ovarian cancer in 2007. Through her, God left us with Emily (far right), our granddaughter, to carry on her legacy, to advance the cause for life. With God's blessing, she too will one day advance this precious gift of life by conceiving and delivering her own children. Children and grandchildren are God's gift to all of humanity and is the evidence of His intent to replenish His creation. Our mission is to stop the senseless pre-born killing of humanity beginning with codifying into law The Definition of Life Bill.

Mark D. Campo
Author, Definition of Life Bill
Our founder and author of The Definition of Life Bill, Mark Campo, holds an honors degree in Constitutional Government from Nicholls State University and a Master of Science honors degree in Strategic Information Leadership from National Defense University. He is a published author and a staunch advocate for the lives of pre-born children and is an assistant administrator of the Facebook Groups, We Are Pro Life, Dedicated to Fighting for the Abolition of Abortion, and Pro-Lifers United to Pass a Definition of Life Bill and Administrator of a companion group Save Our Babies---Join the Definition of Life Movement to Abolish Abortion, with sister affiliations representing a total of millions of followers across hundreds of like-minded pro-life advocates across social media. He is proud to call himself an Abortion Abolitionist, not being content with only reducing the incidence of abortion but abolishing it all together and ending it for all time.

The Definition of Life
Welcomes You
Defining and Codifying the Genesis of Human Life to Save and Protect Our Humanity
Welcome everyone to our new website, The Definition of Life on behalf of The Definition of Life Bill Legislative Initiative, and the work needed to pass this legislation designed to end the practice of abortion once and for all; to ABOLISH ABORTION completely.
This is an effort that will require everyone who is not content with simply reducing the incidents of abortion, who are tired of politicians' feeble attempts with legislation that, at its best, pathetically manages abortion, and by doing so merely postpones the death of the next child.
But if you wish to completely abolish this barbaric practice of killing America's children before they have the chance to continue to live and grow, to embrace the world and pursue their God-given right to life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness, then join us with your mind, your heart, your voice, and your resources to assist in seeing this vision become a reality.
In doing so, you will become part of the history that changed the world for millions of children yet to be born.
Together, we will change the world and restore America once again to a culture of life as a nation that reveres and protects its children. Our children are our future.