Defining and Codifying the Genesis of Human Life to Save and Protect Our Humanity

Continuous Development
Constantly Developing from Pre-Natal to Post-Natal Development through Puberty and Beyond
The process of life is all about development, and it begins when life is defined at the very moment when the female egg combines with the male sperm to form a fertilized living human. Science has recently proven that this newly created human is an "autonomous" living human, now separate and apart from the host mother. As a fertilized embryo, it now has the organized intelligence to drive its own growth except that it relies on its mother to provide nutrition to continue living, and no different from a mother that provides breast milk to her newly born child. It is all about staying viable inside the womb. Two living humans together, now co-exist. . Only two things can threaten its development and viability---a miscarriage or an abortion.
Unfortunately, America does not yet have a Definition of Life that allows the Supreme Court of the United States to adequately interpret the "right to life clause" of the 14th amendment or as a model for the life-friendly state legislatures, many of which are still using gestational limits to decide at what stage and age of development it is still okay to kill a child. They cannot credibly make these decisions without a true and scientific Definition of Life from which to adjudicate.
That's why your help is needed to pass The Definition of Life Bill in one or more states as well as potentially assist the Court with future cases with the ability to interpret what is the definition of a human being, defining also what the founders meant by the term "LIFE" in the 'right to life' clause of the 14th amendment, thus giving total clarity to what is a constitutional human and when does that occur. The newest and latest science can now answer that question with certainty and remove any question. But we need you to be a partner with us to make this happen.
The Mississippi law decided before the Supreme Court, as it turned out, did not reverse Roe v Wade, and did not "overturn" Roe v Wade; it simply "turned it over" to the states to decide if abortion should be allowed, regulated, or banned. This was a huge error, and act of constitutional judicial malpractice by SCOTUS, as the RIGHT TO LIFE is clearly stated in the Constitution to include due process as well as EQUAL PROTECTION. The problem with leaving it solely up to the states is that a woman seeking to kill her child through an abortion could simply go to a pro-abortion state to obtain one, creating a gross vacuum of equal protection and an unconstitutional system of "unjust weights and balances."
Your support will help us provide life-friendly state legislatures with vital information to help them make sound intelligent decisions about human life and human living in order to "provide for the general welfare" and save the youngest of our citizens. This will help us to lay the groundwork and prepare for a national definition of life statute codified into federal law when America will likely have a pro preborn child TRI-CAMERAL GOVERNMENT with a president that will sign it into law, covering all 50 states with the equal protection and the literal 'right to live' and to not be unjustly killed.
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The Definition of Life
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