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January 22, 2022 marked the 49th anniversary of the American Holocaust, legally permitting the selective killing of America's children at-will by their caretakers.

Likewise, it was the 49th anniversary of the March for Life in DC, and, in 49 years, we have still done nothing in terms of passing the kind of legislation that will end abortion NATIONALLY, end the killing, and end the infanticide, with a bill needed to also stop the disgraceful management of murder and end it completely.

June 24, 2022 was certainly a momentous day when SCOTUS presumably "overturned" Roe, overturned the practice and permissions of abortion in America.  But really, it was not "overturned."  It was simply "turned over" to the states to either ban or continue to regulate abortion—but only, NOW, as state legislators see fit, shifting it from the federal government to a state government.   

Now here's where the proper landscape gets a little mired.  From the beginning, when Roe v. Wade was heard and decided in 1973, the Supreme Court failed in protecting the integrity of the U.S. Constitution, by stepping outside of its constitutional authority, inserting itself as a legislative body, effectively passing a law that violated right to life, due process, and the equal protection of a separate and distinct, constitutionally protected American human, and by extension, included an entire class of people, endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to life, thus depriving those people of life, which is explicitly prohibited by the 14th Amendment.   

So it now appears that the court is surrendering its jurisdiction to the states, a jurisdiction which in the case of Roe, was never theirs within the context of the solution or ensuing decision.  Instead of ruling that in the absence of what constitutes a definition of life and what it means in the right to life clause of the 14th Amendment, and not presume the unforgivable hubris that they credibly had the knowledge to reorder what life is and what it is not by the 24-week viability, they proceeded to usurp their authority as the supreme judicial body of the land, and acted as the supreme legislative body.

So why does this all matter now since it appears their role in the abortion debate is now out of their hands?

Therein lies the conundrum.


In the view of many, SCOTUS, as the keepers of the Constitution and its original intent, could have upheld their role and reinforced its jurisdiction within that context by debating among themselves a definition of what the founders meant by the term “life” in the right to life clause.  That would have been the right direction to proceed and totally and legitimately within their true jurisdiction.

Thus, by kicking this back to the states, they abandoned that opportunity, leaving only one of two roads toward a new destination to restore the principles and intent of our U.S. Constitution.

The first is for states to pass a definition of life bill that will likely be challenged and sent for adjudication at the U.S.  Supreme Court and then the matter finally settled by proven science.  The second road is for the national Congress, the true constitutional legislative body, to pass a definition of life bill and codify that definition into federal law.

In my view, the latter road would be the right one to follow first, as one member of the court deciding the 1973 decision stated (paraphrasing)… “If the Congress would pass such a statute, the court would never hear another case challenging it.”

Notwithstanding, in the absence of such a statute, it could have legitimately been debated by SCOTUS in this last round by raising the relevancy of this issue, since the Dobbs case was surrounding a 15-week gestational limit, ironically mimicking SCOTUS with its own 24-week viability determination, both playing God by crafting their own politically, personally, and legally subjective definition of life versus a scientific one.


But by not doing their job right, abdicating their responsibility to protect the integrity of what the founders’ meant, they simply added greater insult to the injury of our Constitution.

So SCOTUS surrendered their responsibility and in so doing also surrendered their jurisdiction as the national overseer of the constitution charged with the duty to "promote the general welfare, to ensure justice, establish domestic tranquility, and provide a common defense for all Americans, beginning with our youngest and most vulnerable citizens. 

Of course, I believe in the sovereignty of the states.  But here is what we can expect from many of the states within a “pro-life” perspective.

Heartbeat bills do not end abortions. And without silver bullet legislation needed to COMPLETELY END ABORTION of all kinds and all methods from fertilization and beyond, states with abortion bans will often see the deaths of their unborn children being exported to pro-death states choosing to keep abortion available.

Further, where abortions are allowed in so called pro-life states, states that disgracefully determine at what age and stage of development it's okay to kill the child, will now simply, and with greater profitability, advance the proliferation of chemical and mail-order abortions, both of which are expected to skyrocket in response to the reduced access to surgical abortions.

The Definition of Life Bill Legislative Initiative is the only pro-preborn-child movement and effort that is solely focused on legislation that ENDS ABORTION ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME that can claim both a DUAL FOCUS on a national bill as well as the sovereignty of states' rights.

The national bill is needed for several very important reasons fundamental to our constitutional rights, first as human beings, and secondly as Americans.

The first, as previously stated, is found in the 14th Amendment "right to life" clause. Without this bill, how can the Supreme Court or any other governing body interpret the "right to life" clause if they don't have a definition of life from which to adjudicate? Of course, they can't...not credibly.  By definition, a national statue will do the job for them, likely averting future SCOTUS hearings on the issue indefinitely.

The ‘right to life’ clearly means the right to live, the right to not be unjustly killed. Because of this aberrant course that was so obtusely taken in 1973, and still now in 2022, we now actually find ourselves at a place where a definition of life, a definition of a constitutional human being, has to be spelled out and framed with unquestionable clarity.

The Definition of Life Bill is based completely in science and taken from the latest discoveries regarding the fertilized human embryo. Further, it defines when and where does LIFE BEGIN and additionally removes any guessing as to what constitutes the definition of a constitutional human in America.

This is why America’s unborn children need the safe harbor provided by THE DEFINITION OF LIFE BILL.

We the People, and at its heart, WE the Christian People, must sadly but gladly EDUCATE this Court and the sovereign states, and correct this aberrant decision with a granular definition of life, as it means in the “right to life” clause of the 14th Amendment, the unalienable right given and ordained by our Creator, not by The Supreme Court or for that matter, any other governing or legislative body.

Given the current landscape, going forward, the states' rights focus is where we will give our initial attention which will help take us to a national focus.   Leaving it in the hands of the states will simply facilitate those seeking abortions to cross state lines to obtain them, and we’ve simply postponed the death of the next child.

This further proves the need for a national decision, which if it doesn't reach the Supreme Court, will most assuredly reach a conservative legislature in 2024 with a conservative president to sign the bill. Either way it looks very promising that we will return America once again to a culture of life.

To achieve this most coveted objective, we need you as a trusted partner to make this happen. Getting set up to move forward has been a time-consuming process.


But now, you can become part of this legacy, the legacy that ended abortion in all 50 states.

You can be confident that your financial support will go solely to passing The Definition of Life Bill with its laser focus and mission to COMPLETELY END IT ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME.

Naturally, we will need the resources to fund all of the dynamics required to make this happen.

Please pray as to what you can do now as well as possibly commit to as a trusted partner on a monthly basis, and join arms in this effort to save God's creation, His precious babies.

Please join us with your prayers and donations.

​Thank you .... God Blesses You. Let's all STAND TALL FOR LIFE


Proverbs 31:8

"Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die."

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